Life without love is like a tree without blossoms or fruit.
Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.
For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
In love the paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two.
The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed.
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage.
The cure for all ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows and the crimes of humanity, all lie in the one word 'love.' It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life.
Treasure the love you receive above all. It will survive long after your good health has vanished.
Do all things with love.
The only abnormality is the incapacity to love.
At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
We all suffer from the preoccupation that there exists ... in the loved one, perfection.
There is no disguise which can hide love for long where it exists, or simulate it where it does not.
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.
Tell me who admires you and loves you, and I will tell you who you are.
I have said nothing because there is nothing I can say that would describe how I feel as perfectly as you deserve it.
Love means never having to say you're sorry.
Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, / Romeo? / Deny thy father, and refuse thy name...
A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love.
To fall in love is easy, even to remain in it is not difficult; our human loneliness is cause enough. But it is a hard quest worth making to find a comrade through whose steady presence one becomes steadily the person one desires to be.
If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
Nunc scio quit sit amor. (Latin) Now I know what love is.
Where there is love there is life.
Looking back, I have this to regret, that too often when I loved, I did not say so.
There is only one terminal dignity -- love.
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.
All thoughts, all passions, all delights Whatever stirs this mortal frame All are but ministers of Love And feed His sacred flame.
Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never.
Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love - and to put its trust in life.
Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.
Love builds bridges where there are none.
We are all born for love. It is the principle of existence, and its only end.
If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were.
You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.
Love is the immortal flow of energy that nourishes, extends and preserves. Its eternal goal is life.
The best proof of love is trust.
Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.
We perceive when love begins and when it declines by our embarrassment when alone together.
Where there is great love, there are always wishes.
The art of love ... is largely the art of persistence.
All mankind love a lover.
The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.
The supreme happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved.
Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it's what you are expected to give -- which is everything.
Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes...just be an illusion.
Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.