Men are least safe from what success induces them not to fear.
In difficult and hopeless situations the boldest plans are the safest.
Envy is blind, and she has no other quality than that of detracting from virtue.
When a woman once begins to be ashamed of what she ought not to be ashamed of, she will not be ashamed of what she ought.
Envy, like fire, soars upward. [Lat., Invidiam, tamquam ignem, summa petere.]
Experience is the teacher of fools. [Lat., Stultorum eventus magister est.]
It takes a long time to bring excellence to maturity.
A woman's mind is affected by the meanest gifts. [Lat., Parvis mobilis rebus animus muliebris.]
Men's minds are too ingenious in palliating guilt in themselves. [Lat., Ingenia humana sunt ad suam cuique levandam culpam nimio plus facunda.]
Treachery, though at first very cautious, in the end betrays itself. [Lat., Ipsa se fraus, etiamsi initio cautior fuerit, detegit.]
In difficult and hopeless situations the boldest plans are the safest.
In great straits and when hope is small, the boldest counsels are the safest.
We survive on adversity and perish in ease and comfort.
Men are seldom blessed with good fortune and good sense at the same time.
A person under the firm persuasion that he can command resources virtually has them.
Men's plans should be regulated by the circumstances, not circumstances by the plans. [Lat., Consilia res magis dant hominibus quam homines rebus.]
No man likes to be surpassed by those of this own level. [Lat., A proximis quisque minime anteire vult.]
Necessity is the last and strongest weapon. [Lat., Necessitas ultimum et maximum telum est.]
Men are slower to recognize blessings than evils.
Adversity makes men remember God.
No law is quite appropriate for all.
Adversity reminds men of religion.
Rashness is not fortunate
Truth is often eclipsed but never extinguished.
No wickedness proceeds on any grounds of reason.
It takes a long time to bring excellence to maturity.
Diversity reminds men of religion.
It takes a long time to bring excellence to maturity.
We fear things in proportion to our ignorance of them.
The study of History is the best medicine for a sick mind.
Men's minds are too ready to excuse guilt in themselves.
Superstition brings the gods into even the smallest matters.
It takes a long time to bring excellence to maturity.